The Nervous System


Nervous system
Jessilyn Wong
Mind Map by Jessilyn Wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessilyn Wong
Created by Jessilyn Wong over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Nervous System
  1. PNS
    1. Somatic
      1. Autonomic
        1. Sympathetic Nervous System
          1. Parasympathetic Nervous System
        2. CNS
          1. Sensory Neurons
            1. Interneurons
              1. Motor Neurons
                1. Effector
                2. Spinal Cord
                  1. Reflex Arcs
                    1. Meninges
                      1. Brain
                        1. Corpus Callosum
                          1. Hypothalamus
                            1. Neuroendocrine Control Center
                              1. Pituitary Gland
                                1. Adrenal Medulla
                                  1. Adrenaline
                            2. Thalamus
                              1. Brainstem
                                1. Pons
                                  1. Midbrain
                                    1. Medulla
                                    2. Cerebrum
                                      1. Cerebellum
                                  2. Post Synaptic Membrane
                                    1. Presynaptic Membrane
                                      1. Receptor
                                    2. Neurons
                                      1. Axons
                                        1. Resting Potential
                                          1. Axoplasm
                                            1. Axomembrane
                                              1. Axon Bulb
                                                1. Synaptic Vesicles
                                                  1. Synaptic Endings
                                                  2. Polarity
                                                    1. Sodium Potassium Pump
                                                      1. Action Potential
                                                        1. All or None response
                                                          1. Refractory Period
                                                            1. Na Gates
                                                              1. K Gates
                                                                1. Repolarization
                                                            2. Depolarization
                                                              1. Threshold Value
                                                        2. Dendrites
                                                          1. Cell Body
                                                            1. Myelin Sheath
                                                              1. Schwann Cells
                                                                1. Nodes of Ranvier
                                                                  1. Saltatory Transmission
                                                              2. Neurotransmitters
                                                                1. Ach
                                                                  1. AchE
                                                                  2. NC
                                                                    1. Synapse
                                                                      1. Impulse
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