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K218 exam revision
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k218 exam revision
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 9 years ago
Resource summary
relates to the actions takento promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
protecting children from maltreatment
preventing impairment of children’s health and development
ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes and enter adulthood successfully
Children Act 2004
Every Child Matters
set of reforms of Children Act
Aim for every child for:
be healthy
stay safe
enjoy and achieve
make a positive contributio
achieve economic well-being
regional structures
Safeguarding Children Board.
highlight their role in terms of public information and education
aim of ‘making safeguarding everyone’s business’
resources for practitioners and those living in the specific area
Area Child Protection Committees
examples of awareness:
alcohol and drug use by caregivers
impact of domestic violence on children
ways to gain access to children via families or workplace
The concept of power is central in thinking about child abuse
harm that can be caused to children by witnessing the abuse of others
Child abuse and child neglect
Abuse does not have to be deliberate, it can also occur through the omission of care or thoughtlessness
understanding the reasons why something has happened is crucial to how a situation is dealt with
Incidence and prevalence
only a small proportion of incidents of serious harm to children
extent of unreported abuse is important
indicators of harm
a broad assessment is required
untidy and unclean house
tiredness in the child
poor presentation, poor skin tone, bags or dark circles under their eyes.etc
failure to achieve their developmental milestones is another sign. Failure to seek appropriate medical advice, and lack of protection against dangers.
very passive and very quiet,
Neglect is when a child or young person’s basic care needs are not being met.
food, clothing, warmth, shelter and cleanliness
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse
emotional needs are not being met
not having appropriate stimulation and interaction from the parents to encourage their emotional development
Sexual abuse
Adults own emotional ‘baggage’ is an important dynamic in all interactive work with people
ability to engage in reflective practice
acting or making decisions is a multi-professional and multi-agency process,
key child protection processes
Initial information gathering
Enquiries and assessment
police and social workers
hearing’ the child,
hearing concerns from professionals
hearing concerns from the community
engaging with parents and other primary carers.
Listening to children and working with parents
Take what the child says seriously
Do not guarantee confidentiality
Emergency measures
application to court for an emergency order to remove the child
Multi-agency child protection conferences and plans
the professionals will consider, with the parents, whether a Child Protection Plan should be drawn up
Finding knowledge and support
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