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Causes, Practices, and Effects of War (WW1)
IB IB History Mind Map on Causes, Practices, and Effects of War (WW1), created by AlisonH on 08/10/2013.
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Resource summary
Causes, Practices, and Effects of War (WW1)
Imperial Rivalries
Austo-Hungarian empire
Eventually, Japan, Italy, The Ottomans and US got involved
The extent of these powers essentially assured that it would be worldwide.
All Continents saw some fighting- everything outside Europe was a result of imperial possesions, naval strength
France and GB Bitter Rivals in North Africa
GB and Russia had rivalry over Northern India (although they would eventually ally
France and Germany over Annexation of Alsace- Lorraine
Russian Empire in Asia seen as threat to GB and Japan
German-Ottoman plan for building rail to Bagdhad
Japan and Korea went to war over Manchuria in 1904
European powers scrambled for African teritory starting in 1870s
Boer War
Austria Invades serbia
A Boom in industry increased tensions between the powers
Leads to competition for resources: only Britain sticks to Fair Trade
After 1870, Nearly all european powers
Increase army size
increase sophistication of weapons
Amount of tech to wage war
developments in railroad meant they could carry greater # of troops
Everybody had a plan
Nationalism became tied with military strength
Longer Periods of conscription, more praise for military in schools
Military leaders saw conflict as an option and a risk worth taking.
Feelings of hostility, but some nations linked by alliances.
Austria and Germany 1878
Germany seeking anti-French support
Italy joined 1882 for same reason
German agreement with Russia discarded when Kaiser Wilhelm takes power.
France allies with Russia, 1894
Both make alliances with GB 1904-1907
Despite these, GB had no firm commitments.
Alliances were mostly Defensive
What they did was:
make powers think as opposing sides
Made Germany feel encircled by enemies
ENSURED conflict would not stay centralized
The Balkan War
Stems from unrest in the Balkans, an area important to:
It was a Christian region that had broken with the Ottoman Empire to become Independent.
It wasn't very stable because the territories had a mix of nationalities inside their borders.
The Austrian Empire
Not a nation state but a collection of peoples and nationalities that owed allegience to the Hapsburgs.
Most of their subject were European (unlike other Empires)
Lost most of their territory in 19th Cent.(Including Italy and Germany)
Faced a serious decline in power
Other subjects (Czechs) were becoming increasingly hostile
These guys were too divided to really form a cohesive opposition.
With neighbooring support, however, the pot could be stirred.
Austria's biggest concern about the whole mess was that Russia would step in an aid Balkan nationalities.
A Roman Catholic Empire Ruling over Eastern Orthodox peoples.
Tensions surfaced with Bosnian Crisis 1908
A-H had occupied Bosnia-Herzgovina since 1878
Russia decided to let them annex it to their empire in exchange for letting Russian ships go through Turkinsh straits into the Mediterranean
Oct.1908- Austria annexes B-H without fulfilling this bargain.
Angered Serbians in the area and the started massive protests.
Russia Backed the protestors
Germany backed Austria, forcing Russia to back off
Left Russians humiliated, Serbians resentful, and the Austrians feeling encouraged.
Serbia was and independent country (circa 1830) that posed a threat to Austria
In 1912, they joined Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro in the Balkan League: goal of driving Ottomans from Europe
While Turkey was distracted by other wars, the League attacked, Starting the Balkan war
Successes made big powers nervous:Treaty negotiated in London, but some Balkans left unhappy
More War!
Bulgaria vs. Serbia and Greece
Serbian expansion into Kosovo region and Macedonia
Turkey expelled from Europe
Austria demanding Albania
Bulgarian defeat has them turning to Austria instead of Russia
Austria now sees Serbia as a threat
Russia looking for a good relationship with Serbia
Serbia feeling Anti-Austrian
Germans Supporting Austria
Gavrillo Princip shoots Franz and Sophie Ferdinand
Triggers the Outbreak of THE GREAT WAR
Serbians in Bosnia had resented Austrian rule
Austria responds with a series of demands that Serbia saw as unreasonable and Independence compromising.
refusal would mean war.
Austrians counting on German support, Serbia on Russia
Local quarrel quickly becomes International War
Mobilization begins
France then declares War on Germany
German invasion of Belgium pulls GB into the War
Russian Refusal to demobilize leads Germany to declare War
Connected to The Black Hand terrorist group
Militant Anti-Austrian Groups in Serbia
Total War: All Resources of a nation (human, economic, and even spiritual) are used and controlled by the State.
No real difference between the battle front and home front.
Increasingly, the state has to take control of goods distribution.
People are encouraged to support the War via Propaganda
NO COMPROMISE for peace. War fought to enemy surrender.
This is acheived through any means necessary, including chemical and economic warfare.
There are few limits, like the taking of POWs instead of just massacring people, but this is usually out of fear of enemy retaliation
Best examples are the two world wars.
Civil War: fought between people in the same country. It may have the characteristics of total war, but in practice, many end in compromise.
May result in the breakup of nations (Bangladesh)
Line between civilian and soldier blurs.
Often results in militarism under the control of a strong leader. Can lead to great suffering and prolonged dictatorships.
Sometimes, other countries intervene to protect their own interests.
It can rise from:
People in certain regions feeling oppressed or neglected.
Political Divisions
Different religious Ideas
Often a more personal form of war because it is near to home.
Limited War
Sometimes wars are confined to certain areas of the globe. (Not all war involve every nation)
Examples of Limited War
India-Pakistani war
Britain v. Argentina over Falkland Islands
Iran-Iraq war
FORMS OF War (how they are fought)
Conventional war: fought mainly with soldiers.
Siege: Enemy cuts off supplies at strong points before attacking
Open Order Warfare: Both sides move their forces til they meet in conflict.
Can use combined arms
Vehicles and/or cavalry
Main fighting may be offensive (attacking) or defensive (defending)
May use multiple strategies
May use multiple tactics
Guerilla Warfare
Smaller groups of independently operating fighters attack the enemy wherever possible
Cannot acheive massive victory, but can take out essential communication and supply lines
Unsettle the enemy
sometimes conventional soldiers, sometimes armed civilians
Non Military groups called partisans
The war was conducted on a previously unseen scale
larger armies
Higher casualties
whole population involvement
Women entered the workforce in droves.
Hello, Suffrage!
Some even wore uniforms
Use of propaganda
Stifle Anti-War feelings
Encourage Pro-War sentiment
Increased State Power
rationing and resource management
Men conscripted
War really brought to civs. thru bombing & economic ruin
state control of resources/ people
More destructive, varied weapons
Chlorine gas
huge artillery
Machine guns
longer range, hundreds of rounds, and no smoke
Rifled Artillery
Increased speed & accuracy
Explosive shells
Intro to tanks
Industrial Revolution
Modern Tech, science
Mass Production of weapons
Armies raised, armed, and shipped out faster
mass production of steel
Larger populations
Better Transportation
Sped up European Imperialism. Thanks, James Watt
Gowth of mass communication
Whole nation became involved in War effort
Transformed weapons and the state
The Actual War Part
German Schlifen Plan
Invade and knock France ut of the war quickly, before Russia has the chance to mobilize
Russia already substantially moblilized, with help of railroads
Quick Russian mobilization spread and weakened Germany further.
Germans at a disadvantage because they had to march to the place of battle. (Further from their bases, supply lines fragile
It definently didn't help that somebody changed plans last minute to take Paris from the East.
French countered at the Marne River Valley.
Didn't account for French use of air observation.
Underestimated modern weaponry
This was KEY to the plan's failure. War no longer acheived through brilliant strategy or capture of enemy capitols.
Instead, it was through destruction of enemy on the battlefield
Technology outdated pure courage
Didn't anticipate Belgian resistance or GB Entrance
These guys wrecked the plan's timetable.
Phase 2
French attacks further south resulted in heavy casualties and prevented German breakthrough
German offensive grinds to a halt.
Russia invades Germany, but can't reach Berlin
Austrian advance into Serbia has not gone well.
People's plans have now been destroyed. Time to improvise!
In the West, sides try outflanking each other
They struggle to get to the sea and to gain higher ground.
Once positions were established, trenches were dug.
Barbed- wire trench warfare stalemate takes over in the West
This is about November of 1914
in the East, more traditional methods were engaged.
Tannenburg and Masurin lakes mark notable defeat for the Russians.
These losses cost Russia dearly.
Russia put on the defensive and East become trench warfare as well.
War Expands to
Brits chase German ships to Constantinople.
Traditionally Pro-Brit
New Govt. Fond of Germany because of help with military training
Japan (1915)
Took advantage of alliance with GB to declare war on Germany and overrun German possessions in Asia.
Joined France and GB because they were promised the return of German-controlled Italian-speaking places.
The Western Front
Part 1 (1914)
Defense was much easier than offense, because of Machine guns
The creation of trenches also inhibited the sucess of attack.
Troops confined to small areas despite having the capacity of the world's richest nations behind them.
To win, the had to break through the trench line, destroy opposing armies, and take strategic points to prevent build up.
If that worked, then you could use more traditional methods.
Unfortunantley, this was near impossible because they faced:
Large concentrations of enemy forces.
developed Trenchlines
Heavy Artillery
Machine Guns
Mortars and explosive shells
Barbed wire
Accurate Long Range rifles
Lines impossible to outflank
The only good news for them, really is that aircraft was not yet developed enough for bombings
The only real plan in 1915 was to use heavy artillery to inflict damage on enemy lines.
Then they would advance troops to gain control and push forward.
These failed major breakthroughs.
Heavy casualties with British attacks in Flanders
French in Champagne
Germany in the East
Italy opens a new heavily defended front.
Romania enters, only to be crushed by Germany
British attack on Turkey ends in trench warfare at Gallipolli and their eventual withdrawal.
Battle of Somme, July 1916
Brits and French face heavily entrenched Germans at the River Somme. Allies anxious for success.
Plan to concentrate damage in one place, with distractions to the North and South
Well Defined objectives. Well Briefed troops. High Morale.
Still a failure.
There was no breakthrough because
German troops super well dug in
Lost element of surprise
Brits waited too long, giving Germans a chance to reinforce
Amateur troops
Terrible Terrain
Ineffective Radio.
High Mortality for so little gained
Part 2 (1918)
US Forces small, but country's manpower, Industrial potential HUGE
While the Americans were prepping and French were dealing with mutiny, war became essentially between Brits and Germans.
Brits have thus far only gained land in the middle east
German forces no longer have to contend with Russia in the East
The Brits and French have been seriously weakened, and the US Inexperienced. Germany goes on offensive.
German success, followed by a stall.
Phase 3
German successes in the East, Allied Failure in the West
By 1916, everyone was fully mobilized and Germany appeared to have the advantage
Had advanced well into Russia
Their U-Boats threatened shipping and supply lines.
Britain and France had failed to acheive a single breakthrough
British failure at Gallipolli
Italy's joining had failed to make progress in Austria
Battle began as an unexpected German sucess
Lasted for most of the year
Cost many German lives
The British counterattack made it become a long, drawn out, low achievement, high casualty mess
Promising Russian breakthrough ended in deadlock
British and German naval war hits a deadlock.
War at Sea
Germans began attacking allied shipping lanes
Quickly switched to U-Boats.
With the sinking of the Lusitania, Germans cut sub warfare temporarily to appease the US and keep them out of the war
Battle of Jutland ends with both sides returning to base.
German Reccomencement of unrestricted sub warfare helped push US into war
Intention to disrupt Brit. Shipping lanes wasn't super effective.
In the Air
1914. Plane use limited to Recon.
Germans begin using them to drop bombs
All nations start developing ways to shoot them down
Poorly armored vulnerable and casualties are high.
Machine Guns mounted on plane wings.
Bombing potential increasea.
Aircraft production speeds up.
Dogfights become a feature of warfare
Increase in German Sub Warfare
Zimmerman Telegraph
Increasing pressure from the Brits.
Economically, they were already invested. And the war was great for business.
In 1917, Russia Backs out
Unrest at home developed
Czar Nicolas 2 abdicates the throne
Vladimir Lenin is shipped out to Russia from Germany
Russian revolution.
Puts more pressure on Allies
Germans increase sub warfare, despite US warnings.
Russian revolution
Greatest political challenge of the war.
Heavy casualties, famine, poor generaling were factors that helped cause it.
Czar Abdicates
Provisional Govt. decides to stay in the War, dooming itself
Lenin and his Bolsheviks offer to get Russia out of the war.
They gain massive support and end Russia's war with the Treaty of Brest Litovsk
Russia builds itself into a communist state that lasted until 1991
Other Great Powers
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany abdicates
Hello, Weimar republic
Nationalist right wing party (Nazis) rises in 1933 from postwar discontent and economic ruin
A-H Empire Falls apart. War to preserve itself ends up tearing it to even smaller pieces
French republic remained, but faced increasing instability
British empire survived, but faced increased nationalism in colonies and social unrest at home.
General growth of political left in victors, countered by a movement to the political right
Italy- growth and development of right wing dictatorship grew from postwar discontent. 1922
Defeat of Turkey led to revolt and eventually a secular reformist regime under Kemal Ataturk
Czar Nicolas= Mudered
Kaiser Wilhelm= Exiled to Holland
Ottoman Mehed VI= Overthrown
A-H Emperor Karl 1= Forced Abdication
US Congress opposed Wilson, T.O.V caught in Red Tape
Italy= Rise of Mussolini
David Lloyd George (GB) forced from office and his party suffered long decline.
Germany signed random armistace in 1914
Treaty Of Versailles (long talks)
French (revenge & security)
GB (Imperial Gain)
US (Peace and Trade cooperation)
Italy, Japan (Territory)
Central Powers signed other Treaties.
Turkish rebellion forced renegotiation at Laussane 1923
Trade networks disrupted
Heavy war spending and currency maniulation led to inflation.
Direct infrastructure damage
Overseas investments sold.
Shift away from war production.
Marginal land cultivated
shortage of labor
$ power shifts to US and Japan
Supply overmet demand, creating instability
poor land use
interwar years marked by instability and hardships.
Heavy industry faced falling profits
increase in unemployment
More in workforce
More social equality
Freedom and mobility
More became independent
Increased social and sexual freedoms
Working Class
More bargaining power
Migration to cities
Russian Peasants go to cities
Af. Americans in US go north
Trade membership doubled in Britain
Italian workers went north
Waves of strikes, revolutionary ideas
Socialism rises; polarization increases
"Fairer Society"
war would be unnesecary and justice would prevail
Trenches brought classes together
Increased urbanization helped erode traditional class barriers.
capitalist, imperialist, class-ridden societies
Seen as Outdated
All the same, development of a "New Morality" response to the horrors of the war
Violent Anarchism
Socialist Movements
Russian Communism
Chinese Marxism
Italian Facists
Brit. Labour Party
Social structure in japan
US Progressives
Eventually led to Prohibition
More daring and experimental
Neo-classicism, expressionalism, formalism
Russian Rev. led to daring and highly expressive lit. and music
Postwar audiences searching for novelty
Mirroring societal ideas, arts fragmented
European Map
Addition of
Czech State
Southern Slavs formed Yugoslavia
Turkey lost land in middle East
Italy got most, but not all land it thought it was getting.
Austria and Hungary became small independent states
Russia found itself isolated
Germany lost a LOT of land
Japan forced to sign a treaty to reduce navy and recent territorial gains.
Eventually, a power vacuum emerges in central Europe
General fragmentation
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