Irregular and Regular Verbs


Mind Map on Irregular and Regular Verbs, created by georgie.benbow on 06/10/2013.
Mind Map by georgie.benbow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by georgie.benbow over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Irregular and Regular Verbs
  1. Regular
    1. Those verbs that form their past participle with "d" or "ed" are regular verbs. These verbs do not undergo substantial changes while changing forms between tenses
      1. Present
        1. Share, scare, dare
          1. Do you want to share this pie?
        2. Past
          1. Shared, scared, dared
            1. I am glad that we shared that pie.
      2. Irregular
        1. Those verbs that undergo substantial changes when changing forms between tenses are irregular verbs. The changed forms of these verbs are often unrecognisably different from the originals
          1. Past
            1. went, ran thought
              1. I am glad that we went to the cafe
            2. Present
              1. go, run, think
                1. I will go to the cafe
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