Syllabus situacional


Aspectos característicos de un programa situacional de la lengua extranjera.
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Mind Map by Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Created by Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Syllabus situacional
  1. Methodology
    1. "The teacher uses images of everyday situations, with the which expands the vocabulary, asking and correcting the pronunciation of a situation "(García Leyton, 2015, p. 12).
      1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 10).
      2. "The teacher makes a list of communication situations and another with themes, grammatical forms and vocabulary" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 9).
        1. Image taken from Fabiola, (2012, p. 2).
        2. "The teacher classifies the themes, forms and structures adjusting them with each situation" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 9).
          1. Image taken from Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez (2018, p. 2).
          2. "Total physical response" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 9).
            1. Video taken from La Teacher María (2018).
            2. "Communication" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 9).
              1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 11).
              2. "Audiolingual method" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 9).
                1. Video taken from Oupinternational (2009).
              3. Examples
                1. "The situational syllabus prepares the student to face real situations according to their context" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 10).
                  1. Image taken from Callejas Gaona (2015, p. 11).
                  2. "In this example we can see how the student with his knowledge of English can talk fluently with their tourists" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 10).
                    1. Image taken from Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez (2018, p. 10).
                    2. "This is possible due to the fact that these types of conversations have already been previously learned and rehearsed" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 10).
                      1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 11).
                      2. "Dialogue at a train station" (Ayala, 2015, p. 13).
                        1. Image taken from Ayala (2015, p. 13).
                        2. "Means of transportation" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 8).
                          1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 8).
                          2. "Dialogue in an airport cafeteria" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 11).
                            1. Image taken from García Leyton (2015, p. 11).
                          3. Strategies
                            1. "Expand vocabulary of the situation through images" (Ayala, 2015, p. 15).
                              1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 12).
                              2. "Correct pronunciation of new words" (Ayala, 2015, p. 15).
                                1. Video taken from English with Teacher Bocarando (2019).
                                2. "Individual work in collage" (Ayala, 2015, p. 15).
                                  1. Image taken from Ruiz (2019).
                                  2. "Group work to carry out dialogues" (Ayala, 2015, p. 15).
                                    1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 9).
                                    2. "Relevant students, from the context, must find meanings" (Corredor & Flórez, 2017).
                                      1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 13).
                                      2. "Dynamics and games, elaboration of diagrams with different materials, explanations" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 10).
                                        1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 10).
                                        2. "Use images with which to expand vocabulary" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 13).
                                          1. Images taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 13).
                                          2. "Working group dialogues" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 13).
                                            1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 9).
                                            2. "Improve the pronunciation of words with practice" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 13).
                                              1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 8).
                                            3. Means
                                              1. "Humans, the context, stationery and images" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 13).
                                                1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 13).
                                                2. "Books" (Fabiola, 2012, p. 9).
                                                  1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 9).
                                                  2. "Images" (Fabiola, 2012, p. 9).
                                                    1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 9).
                                                  3. Activities
                                                    1. "The form of new words and structures is shown through examples and not through descriptions or grammatical explanations" (Fabiola, 2012, p. 6).
                                                      1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 3).
                                                      2. "The meaning is visually clarified (objects, drawings, actions, mime)" (Fabiola, 2012, p. 6).
                                                        1. Images taken from Fabiola (2012, pp. 5-6).
                                                        2. "See videos showing images with which to learn more vocabulary" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 14).
                                                          1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 4).
                                                          2. "Make groups in which dialogues like this work:" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 14).
                                                            1. "Observe the video clip of the train station" (Ayala, 2015, p. 16).
                                                              1. Video taken from Iruela (2012).
                                                              2. "Make a group collage with images referring to the subject" (Ayala, 2015, p. 16).
                                                                1. Image taken from Reyes Martínez (2015, p. 7).
                                                                2. "In a group, the organization of a dialogue with its respective pronunciation" (Ayala, 2015, p. 16).
                                                                  1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 10).
                                                                  2. "Chips, songs, word searches, role plays" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 11).
                                                                    1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 11).
                                                                    2. "Songs, role play" (Hernández, 2017, p. 9).
                                                                      1. Image taken from Hernández (2017, p. 9).
                                                                        1. Image taken from Hernández (2017, p. 9).
                                                                          1. Image taken from Hernández (2017, p. 9).
                                                                          2. "Train vocabulary with pictures:" (Ayala, 2015, p. 16).
                                                                            1. Image taken from Millon (2011).
                                                                              1. Video taken from English Vocabulary (2020).
                                                                            2. Student role
                                                                              1. "In the initial stages the student only listens and repeats, answering questions and orders that you receive" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 7).
                                                                                1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 12).
                                                                                2. "The student has no control over the learning content" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 7).
                                                                                  1. Image taken from Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez (2018, p. 7).
                                                                                  2. "Later, more active participation is encouraged" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 7).
                                                                                    1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 7).
                                                                                    2. "Students can take the initiative in the answers and ask each other" (Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez, 2018, p. 7).
                                                                                      1. Image taken from Polo (2020).
                                                                                    3. Role of the teacher
                                                                                      1. As Aguilar, Pérez, Hernández, & Pérez (2018) express it: The teacher has three main functions:
                                                                                        1. 1. "Presentation of the lesson: It serves as a model, posing situations in which the need for object structure and proposing models for students to repeat" (p. 8).
                                                                                          1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 14).
                                                                                          2. 2. "Practical phase of the lesson: The opportunity is given for students to use the language in situations less controlled" (p. 8).
                                                                                            1. Image taken from Fabiola (2012, p. 8).
                                                                                            2. 3. "Organize the reviews: Activity time, oral practice, review, adjustment to needs of each student, the development of other activities and evaluation" (p. 8).
                                                                                              1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 14).

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