Change Management Errors


Board Exam LeadingManageChange (ChangeMangement) Mind Map on Change Management Errors, created by Michael Riben on 27/09/2013.
Michael Riben
Mind Map by Michael Riben, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Riben
Created by Michael Riben over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Change Management Errors
  1. Too Much complacency
    1. No sense of Urgency
      1. 'Too Much Past Success
        1. Lack visible Crisis
          1. low Performance standards
            1. Insufficient Feedback form External constintuencies
            2. Failure to Build sufficiently powerful guiding Coalition
              1. short term selfish goals always win
                1. countervailing forces undermine effort
                  1. failure to recognize how hard change can be
                  2. Underestimate Power of Vision
                    1. vision helps direct, align and inspire actions
                      1. resistance emerges without vision
                        1. without vision, decision making can desolve in to interminable debate
                          1. Whenever you cannot describe the The Change Problem and Its Solution  driving a change initiative in five minutes or less and get a reaction that signifies both understanding and interest, you are in for trouble.
                          2. Undercommunicating Vision by factor of 10/100/1000
                            1. Nothing undermines efforts more than lack of communication
                            2. allowing obstacle to block the new vision
                              1. mental roadblocks are too great
                                1. narrow job description
                                  1. compensation or performance appraisal issues
                                    1. supervisors who won't adapt
                                      1. inconsistent demands from Supervisors
                                      2. failure to create short term wins
                                        1. too passive -hope instead of create
                                          1. no wins with in 6-18 months
                                          2. Declare victory too soon
                                            1. until tightly integrated culture, changes are succeptible to regression
                                              1. celebration stops momentum
                                                1. change is halted too soon
                                                2. change is not anchored firmly into culture of org
                                                  1. If not anchored in social norms and shared values, they are susceptible to regression
                                                    1. dont show how specific behaviors and attitudes improve performance
                                                      1. Need sufficient time for next gen managers to personify the approach
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                                                      Michael Riben
                                                      change errors
                                                      Michael Riben
                                                      Change Management
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