Cell Phones


Mind Map on Cell Phones, created by bail6564 on 26/09/2013.
Mind Map by bail6564, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bail6564 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cell Phones
  1. iPhone 5
    1. Producer
      1. Apple
      2. Features
        1. Two Core Performance
          1. 1440 mAh battery
            1. Perfect Screen Resolution for phone (640 x 1136)
              1. 1080p Video
                1. 8 megapixels Camera
                2. Structure
                  1. 14% Lighter than Galaxy s4
                    1. Smaller Build
                      1. Outside made from anodized aluminum
                    2. Samsung Galaxy s4
                      1. Features
                        1. Four Core Performance
                          1. 2600 mAh battery
                            1. Too much resolution for the small screen (1080 x 1920 HD)
                              1. 1080p Video
                                1. 13 megapixels Camera
                                2. Producer
                                  1. Samsung
                                  2. Structure
                                    1. 10% Larger Build than iPhone
                                      1. Heavier than iPhone
                                        1. Outside made from plastic
                                      2. References:
                                        1. http://www.gizmag.com/iphone-5-vs-galaxy-s4-comparison/27710/
                                          1. http://www.inquisitr.com/945877/iphone-5s-vs-galaxy-s4-new-iphone-compares-samsung/
                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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