Issues related to TPS


HSC IPT (Transaction Processing Systems) Mind Map on Issues related to TPS, created by Skye Boulton on 23/09/2013.
Skye Boulton
Mind Map by Skye Boulton, updated more than 1 year ago
Skye Boulton
Created by Skye Boulton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Issues related to TPS
  1. The changing nature of work and the effect on participants
    1. Automation of jobs once performed by clerks
      1. Shifting of workload from clerks to members of the public
      2. Importance of data in TPS
        1. Data Security
          1. Data integrity
            1. Data quality
            2. The need for alternate procedures to deal with transactions when TPS is not avaliable
              1. Bias in data collection
                1. when collecting the data
                  1. When establishing the system and deciding what data to collect
                  2. Control in Transaction processing and the implications it has for participants in the system
                    1. Current and emerging trends in transaction processing
                      1. OLAP, OLTP
                        1. Data warehousing and data mining
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                        Characteristics of TPS
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                        Storing and Retrieving in TPS
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                        Other information processes in TPS
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