DD303 Chapter 5 Working memory


(DD303) Mind Map on DD303 Chapter 5 Working memory, created by Brendan Lavery on 22/09/2013.
Brendan Lavery
Mind Map by Brendan Lavery, updated more than 1 year ago
Brendan Lavery
Created by Brendan Lavery over 11 years ago

Resource summary

DD303 Chapter 5 Working memory
  1. Introduction
    1. distinctions LTM and STM Baddeley 1986
      1. memory as a multifaceted system
        1. Hitch 1978 wm keeps track of transient info errors due to forgetting
        2. Distinctions between STM and LTM
          1. Baddeley 1966 showed that immediate recall was poor for phonelogically similar items but there was nl effect for semsntically simliar items
            1. 2 sub systems LTM = semtantic STM = Phonetic
            2. Brown 1956 Rate of forgetting briefly presented stimuli, rapid according to rates of other learned material, STM more liable
              1. Miller 1958 memory span limited to just a few items, suggests distinction of stm by limited capacity
                1. Actkinson and shiffrin 1971 eg of modal model
                  1. Murdock 1967 modal model
                    1. stm= limited capicity store control process = subvocal rehersal used to maintain, info in stm gradually moves to ltm
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