Company financial statements


Mas AF4 - Investment Planning (Interpreting company financial statements) Mind Map on Company financial statements, created by Paul Dawson on 16/09/2013.
Paul Dawson
Mind Map by Paul Dawson, updated more than 1 year ago
Paul Dawson
Created by Paul Dawson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Company financial statements
  1. P/E ratio
    1. lower is cheaper
    2. ROCE
      1. earnings compared to capital employed
        1. total assets less current liabilities
          1. shareholders funds (capital and reserves) plus long-term creditors
          2. profit before interest and tax / capital employed x 100
            1. comparison between companies
            2. ROE
              1. earnings compared to equity invested
                1. earnings compared to equity invested
                  1. net profit after tax and pref divs / capital and reserves (shareholders funds) x 100
                    1. comparison between bonds and deposits
                    2. dividend cover
                      1. dividend yield
                        1. operating profit margin
                          1. operating profit / revenue x 100
                            1. exclude effects of investments, financing and tax
                          2. working capital ratio
                            1. current assets / current liabilities
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