Government Fighting Corruption


Mind Map on Government Fighting Corruption, created by easy910103 on 11/09/2013.
Mind Map by easy910103, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by easy910103 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Government Fighting Corruption
  1. CORRECTIVE Methods
    1. whistleblower
      1. Sting Operation(Media)
        1. Strong and Independent Jurisdiction
          1. Extraterritorial Law
            1. Law Enforcement
              1. Anti-Corruption Bureau
                1. ICAC(HK),NBCP(China),Lokayukta(India),CPIB(Singapore),KPK(Indonesia)
                  1. Maynmar:a newly established anti-corruption committee under the chairmanship of Vice President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham.
                2. PREVENTIVE Methods
                  1. Advertising Campaign
                    1. Stringent Recruitment
                      1. Market-equivalent Salary
                        1. Tax Structure
                          1. Gift Policy (Reject, Declare or Pay)
                            1. Myanmar: "tea money" culture
                            2. E-methods
                              1. E-procurement, E-payment, E-recruitment, E-tax system
                              2. Anti-Corruption Bureau
                                1. Declaration of Personal Finances
                                  1. Debts, Assets and Other Wealth
                                    1. Myanmar: Anti-corruption Bill approved


                                      • Once ratified, the law will require all officials in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government to declare their assets, and those found to be corrupt will be charged by an anti-corruption commission. The law will also require members of the anti-corruption commission to declare their assets, a provision opposed by the president.
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