

A mind map about what e-mails are and how to use them
simone baket
Mind Map by simone baket, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lucy Corlett
Created by Lucy Corlett over 5 years ago
Christine Ukah
Copied by Christine Ukah over 5 years ago
simone baket
Copied by simone baket over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Choosing an address
    1. non innapropriate name
      1. you do not want to be stuck with an innaprpriate email
        1. use an @ provider for your email address
          1. gmail
            1. hotmail
              1. outlook
            2. Sending attachments
              1. Paperclip add attachments to the side of your document
                1. Resizing files can make files smaller or larger
                  1. File Explorer
                  2. Sending mail
                    1. Responding
                      1. reply all replies to all emails in that group
                        1. reply only repliess to the sender
                        2. Signatures
                          1. signatures are a good way of showing it is signed by you
                            1. you can now save your signature to your email sending device
                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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