What makes a good web design?


Year 7 Computing Mind Map on What makes a good web design?, created by Microanna Pasta on 24/09/2019.
Microanna Pasta
Mind Map by Microanna Pasta, updated more than 1 year ago
Microanna Pasta
Created by Microanna Pasta over 5 years ago

Resource summary

What makes a good web design?
  1. Layout
    1. Aesthetically Pleasing


      • The color scheme should add on to what it is about. 
      • If it is professional, use not too many colors, and colors like blues or blacks or whites
      • If it is for younger children, make it colorful so that they will find it more interesting.
      1. Catchy title
        1. Pictures
          1. Entertaining
            1. Not too much information in one go


              • Make sure the information is spaced out, and not too clustered
              1. Homepage should look impressive


                • If a website doesn't look good, no-one will want to use it.
                1. Color Scheme should look good
                2. Content
                  1. Lots of information


                    • Make sure it is loaded with information, so that people like it more
                    1. Text shouldn't be too small
                      1. Pictures so that it will look nice
                        1. Key Points of Information
                          1. Persuasive to the age gap, its targeting them specifically


                            • If its for children: It should be filled with pictures, it should have a catchy title, and an appealing front page
                          2. Usability
                            1. Easy and fun to use
                              1. Buttons should be clear, so you can click from one place to another
                                1. Consistent
                                  1. Visual Clarity
                                  2. Teamwork
                                    1. Trust you teammates
                                      1. Respect their ideas
                                        1. Make sure they contribute


                                          • Don't boss over everyone, let others do the work as well as you
                                          1. Don't agree on everything, debates are important too


                                            • You need to negotiate to make it better, and to improve your ideas
                                            1. Without teamwork, you can't do any of this
                                            2. CSS


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