

User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Chemistry, created by Deleted user on 07/05/2019.
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Katie Beard
Created by Katie Beard about 5 years ago
Katie Beard
Copied by Katie Beard about 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. An element is a stubstance made of only 1 type of atom
    1. They are all listed in the periodic table
      1. They all have a name and a symbol
      2. A compound is a pure substance made of 2 or more elements chemically reacted together
        1. E.G copper sulphate - CuSO4
        2. A mixture is 2 or more elements or compounds which are mixed together, not chemically reacted, which can be seperated
          1. E.G Sand and salt water
          2. What are the seperation techniques?
            1. Evaporation
              1. Separating a solid from a solution
              2. Crystalisation
                1. Separating a solid from a solution
                2. Distillation
                  1. Separating a mixture of liquids with different boiling points
                  2. Fillteration
                    1. Separating a liquid from a solid from a solution (the solid has to be insoluable)
                    2. Key Words
                      1. Solute
                        1. Solid that is dissolved
                        2. Solvent
                          1. Liquid the solid dissolves in
                          2. Solution
                            1. Mixture of solid dissolved in liquid
                            2. Soluble
                              1. Disolves
                              2. Insoluble
                                1. Doesnt dissolve
                            3. Chromatography is a technique for the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension through a medium in which the components move at different rates.

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