Types of Integration


Mapa sobre los mercados globales de divisas
Jehan Carlos Guerrero
Mind Map by Jehan Carlos Guerrero, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Juan Carlos PL
Created by Juan Carlos PL over 9 years ago
Jehan Carlos Guerrero
Copied by Jehan Carlos Guerrero almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Integration
  1. Join Venture
    1. Two or more companies agree to start a new business or project together They invest capital and share resources and costs.
    2. Merger
      1. Two or more companies of similar size decide to combine and form a single entity
      2. Acquisition
        1. These two terms are used when one company buys another one. In an acquisition, the acquirer can purchase 100% off the shares in the target company or just enough shares (more than 50%) in order to have the controlling interest
          1. ADVANTAGE
            1. gain greater size and competitiveness in the market
                1. grow through synergies, whether operational or financial
                  1. It is a good way to penetrate a new market. It does not imply certain barriers to entry and represents savings in areas such as research
                2. análisis profundo de la oportunidad de mercado, los recursos de las empresas, restricciones legales y regulatorias
              1. DISADVANTAGES
                1. deficiencies in the investigation of the company to merge or acquire
                  1. Acquisitions derive problems related to possible hidden debts or contingencies in the financial, accounting, commercial, fiscal areas.
                    1. a particular company culture, a philosophy of its own, a way of working and a leadership model
                2. ADDITIONAL TIPS
                  1. Statistics are not necessary for the development of the entire financial operation
                    1. the figures can be influenced by the period of time in which they are taken to measure the acquisition
                      1. THE BEST EXAMPLE
                        1. The Disney company acquired its direct rival as it is fox in order to create a more consolidated company with greater power in the market
                      2. more value is added if you focus on your competition to make the acquisition
                  2. in the field of productión, integrations can be divided into:
                    1. HORIZONTAL: the companies deal with the same activities;
                      1. VERTICAL :the companies involved in the integration are in the same industry, but they operate at a different stage of production or distribution
                        1. CONGLOMERATE MERGERS: the companies have totally different activities.
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