Subject Verb Agreement


Basic Knowledge
Kevin Aguirre
Mind Map by Kevin Aguirre, updated more than 1 year ago
Kevin Aguirre
Created by Kevin Aguirre almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Subject Verb Agreement
  1. Agreement is a relation between two elements such that they match one another in terms of some grammatical feature. In English the most important type of agreement is number of agreement between the subject and verb.
    1. there are some basic rules for SVA
      1. 1- A verb must agree with its subject
        1. 2- In an inverted order sentence beginning with a prepositional phrase, the verb still agrees with its subject
          1. 3- Prepositional phares beginning with the compound prepositions such as along with, toghether with, in addition to, and as well as should be ignored, for they don't affect SVA.
            1. 4- A verb must agree with its subject, not its subject coplement
              1. 5- The verb must agrees with the subject, not with the expletive.
                1. 6- Indefinite pronuouns such as each, either, one, everyone, everyobody, and everything are singular
                2. Important pointers about SVA
                  1. Intervening words between subject and verb, in most of cases, the esiest and most effective method for determining the subject its corresponding verb is to ignoring the words between the subject and the verb.
                    1. Subjects joined by "and" and "both... and", two subjects, wheter plural or singular, that are joined by "and" and "both...and" become one plural subject and should be paired with a plural verb.
                      1. Subjects joined by "or", "nor", "neither...or", and "either...nor". If two singular subjects are joined by these words, they remain singular and should be paired with a singular verb.
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