Functions of Fats and Oils


GCSE Food Technology Mind Map on Functions of Fats and Oils, created by Becca Westwell on 30/11/2014.
Becca Westwell
Mind Map by Becca Westwell, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca Westwell
Created by Becca Westwell over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Functions of Fats and Oils
  1. Required to aerate food.
    1. When fat is creamed with sugar it helps trap air.
    2. Helps extend the shelf life of baked products.
      1. The fat helps the product keep its moisture.
        1. E.g. Muffins
      2. Adds distinct flavours and odours to food.
        1. E.g. Biscuits
        2. Acts as cooking medium for roasting foods.
          1. E.g. Chicken
          2. Add a flaky texture to pastry.
            1. The fats help to separate layers by creating steam.
            2. Adds colour and shine to food.
              1. E.g. Scones
              2. Oils form an emulsion with liquids such as vinegar.
                1. E.g. Salad dressings.
                2. Prevents lumps of flour forming in a sauce.
                  1. E.g. Parsley sauce.
                  2. Gives shortening ability to a mixture and changes the texture.
                    1. Fats give shortbread its characteristic crumbly and short texture.
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