Ayat Ul Kursi


Ayat Ul Kursi facts and virtues of reading this Ayat.
Farah  Abid
Mind Map by Farah Abid , updated more than 1 year ago
Farah  Abid
Created by Farah Abid about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Ayat Ul Kursi
  1. Ayat Ul Kursi (02:255)
    1. The Greatest Ayah in the Book of Allaah SWT (Qur'an)
      1. In Hadith we learn Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Congratulations for having knowledge O Abu Al-Mundhir! Rejoice because of this knowledge you have which was knowing the greatest ayah of the Qur'an
      2. It is the only place in the Qur'an where the Kursi (footstool) of Allaah is mentioned
        1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Footstool (Al-Kursi) of Allaah's SWT Throne extends over the Heavens and Earth
        2. Reading before bed it Guards one at night till morning comes
          1. Should be recited after every prescribed prayer (Fardh Salah)
            1. It was narrated that Abu Umaamah (RA) said 'The Messenger (PBUH) of Allaah SWT said "whoever recites Ayat Ul Kursi immediately after each prescribered (Fardh)prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering paradise (Jannah) except death" Al-Nasaa'i
              1. PBUH said "The one who recites Ayat Ul Kursi after every fardh Salah then he is under the care of Allaah SWT until next prayer comes.
              2. Includes TWO greatest names of Allaah SWT: Al-Hayy, Al-Qayyum
                1. Al-Hayy- He is the one who will remain and will never die, His life is perfect in every sense, which requires all perfect attributes and negates all their opposites in every sense. this perfect attribute requires that neither sleep nor slumber over takes Him
                  1. Al-Qayyum- The all sustainer He is the self-Sufficient Master who is not in need of anyone, everything exists because of Him and everything other than Him needs Him and totally depends on Him.
                    1. The Greatest names of Allaah SWT which if He is called by it, He SWT responds. ONLY in 3 places in the Qur'an- (02:255,03:1-2,20:111)
                    2. Narrated 'Abdullaah bin Mas'ud (RA): "Allaah SWT has not created in the heavens nor in the earth what is more magnificient that Ayat Ul Kursi". Sufyan said: "Because Ayat Ul Kursi is the Speech of Allaah SWT, and Allaah's SWT Speech is Greater than Allaah's SWT creation of the heavens and the earths". -At-Tirmidh No.2884
                      1. Greatest Ayat about the Greatest Being (Allaah SWT)
                        1. 5 Names of Allah SWT are mentioned in this Ayat: Allaah, Al-Hayy, Al-Qayyum, Al-Adheem and Al-Aliyy
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