Invasion of 490 BC


Mind Map on Invasion of 490 BC, created by Matt Johnson on 27/06/2013.
Matt Johnson
Mind Map by Matt Johnson , updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Johnson
Created by Matt Johnson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Invasion of 490 BC
  1. Battle of marathon
    1. First invasion of Greece by Persia
      1. Persian army count: 25,000 +
        1. Greek army count: 11,000
          1. Persians Lightly armoured- robes, wicker shields
            1. Greeks- heavily armoured
              1. Greeks used phalanx formations
                1. Persians lacked knowledge strategically
                  1. Persian lacked strength across line leading to defeat on the battlefield.
                    1. Greeks took advantage of weak Persian wings and attacked.
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