

Mind Map on Differentiation, created by bill.backster on 25/06/2013.
Mind Map by bill.backster, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bill.backster over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. basic diff formulas
    1. chain Rule
      1. g[f(x)} = g'[f(x)]*f'(x)
      2. Product Rule
        1. f(x)*g(x) = f'(x)*g(x) + f(x)*g'(x)
          1. UV = U'V + UV'
        2. Quotient Rule
          1. f(x)/g(x) = {f'(x)*g(x) - f(x)*g'(x)}/[g(x)]^2
            1. U/V = {U'V - UV'}/V^2
        3. Notation
          1. f'(x)
            1. dy/dx
              1. d/dx
                1. y'
                  1. Dx{f(x)}
                  2. diff Rules
                    1. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
                      1. trig functions
                        1. second Derivitives
                          1. f''(x)
                            1. [d^2y] / [dx^2]
                              1. To double diff simply diff your original function and then diff it again to finf the double diff.
                              2. Basic functions
                                1. on graphs
                                  1. f'(x) = 0 stationary point
                                    1. nature of stationary points
                                      1. maximum when double diff < 0
                                        1. minimum when double diff > 0
                                    2. applications
                                      1. diff = 0 to find speed and velocity
                                        1. double diff to get the acceleration
                                          1. continuous - differentiable
                                            1. dis-continuous- non differentiable
                                              1. average rate of change = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
                                              2. tangents to curves
                                                1. gradient of tangent = diff at certain point.
                                                  1. equation y=mx+c using gradient found above sub in points to find C
                                                    1. equation of normal flip the gradient of tangent and use same method to find equation.
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