Brain and Nutrition


A mind map of Lesson 3 - Brain and Nutrition from FCE3204 - Thinking Skills subject.
Mind Map by miya_lumica, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by miya_lumica over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Brain and Nutrition


  • Made by : 1) Nur Nadia binti Bakri (177696) 2) Mi Jia Le (Camellia) (176892) 3) Amira binti Abdol Hamid (176474) 4) Anis Syuhada binti Md Hanafi (180907)
  1. Nutrition
    1. Essential Duties
      1. Protein
        1. Fats
          1. Carbohydrates
            1. Elements
              1. Iron
                1. Selenium
                  1. Potassium
                    1. Water
                  2. Effects of Having Breakfast
                    1. Performance
                      1. Higher Grades
                        1. Better Test Scores
                        2. Better Concentration
                          1. Problem-Solving Skills
                            1. Eye-to-Hand Coordination
                              1. Motivated
                                1. Low Tardiness, More Attendance
                                2. Effects on Learning
                                  1. Focus and Learn more
                                    1. HIgher Academic Achievement
                                    2. Lack of Nutrition
                                      1. Low Concentration Level
                                        1. Loss of Memory
                                          1. Depression
                                            1. Low I.Q.
                                              1. Learning Disability
                                                1. Slow Language Development
                                              2. Brain
                                                1. Structure
                                                  1. Neurons
                                                    1. Proteins
                                                      1. Fats
                                                      2. Nutrients
                                                        1. Digestive
                                                          1. Bloodstream
                                                            1. Brain
                                                        2. Healthy Brain Consumes
                                                          1. Protein
                                                            1. Fats
                                                              1. Carbohydrates
                                                                1. Micro Nutrients
                                                              2. Development
                                                                1. Foetus
                                                                  1. Brain absorb 70% of nutrients from mother
                                                                  2. Children
                                                                    1. Cognitive & Language
                                                                      1. Social Skills
                                                                        1. Emotional Growth
                                                                      2. Brain and Nutrition
                                                                        1. Communication
                                                                          1. Neurotransmission
                                                                          2. Information from
                                                                            1. Nerve impulse
                                                                              1. Chemical content
                                                                                1. Neurotransmitter Hormone
                                                                                  1. Nurepinephrine
                                                                                    1. Serotonin
                                                                                      1. Food
                                                                                      2. Dopamine
                                                                                  2. Function to develop
                                                                                    1. Dendron
                                                                                      1. Dendrites
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