Northerner central


uber fat
Alexander Lahiri
Mind Map by Alexander Lahiri, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexander Lahiri
Created by Alexander Lahiri over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Northerner central
  1. Rebranding
    1. Older, run-down sites redeveloped
      1. Attract middle and upper classes
        1. Culture hub
          1. Beatles
            1. More services
              1. Football teams
              2. Trying to lose "factory town image"
              3. Costs of rebranding
                1. £4bn invested
                  1. Older communities out of town become isolated (sink estates)
                    1. Face competition in service sector from other cities (now service-based)
                    2. Developments
                      1. Post office box
                        1. The Cube
                          1. Waterfront/Pizza express
                          2. Consquences
                            1. More jobs
                              1. Better image
                                1. Older residents feel displaced by rejuvination
                                  1. Some communities isolated by new developments
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