Anime Pop


Mind Map on Anime Pop, created by cknight412 on 05/09/2014.
Mind Map by cknight412, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cknight412 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Anime Pop
  1. Products
    1. Manga Books
      1. Anime Series/Films
        1. Cosplay
          1. Posters
            1. Anime Phone Covers
              1. Anime/Manga Merchendise
                1. Annuals
                  1. Anime/Manga Games
                    1. PC
                      1. Xbox
                        1. PSP
                          1. PS3
                            1. Nintendo Wii/DS
                          2. Software
                            1. Google Chrome/Firefox e.g
                              1. Online Web Store
                              2. Calculater
                              3. Marketing Techniques
                                1. Leaflets/Posters?
                                  1. Online Advertisments
                                    1. Youtube
                                      1. Online Games
                                      2. Billboards
                                        1. Television Adverts
                                          1. Magazines
                                          2. Technology
                                            1. Cash Register
                                              1. Fridge
                                                1. Oven/Microwave/Grill
                                                  1. Coffee Machine
                                                    1. Televisions
                                                      1. Laptops/Computers
                                                        1. Music Box With Headphones
                                                        2. Information
                                                          1. Cosplay Outfits-£20-£100
                                                            1. Manga Books-£8-£40
                                                              1. Merchendise-£1-£70
                                                                1. Phone Covers-£10-£15
                                                                  1. Posters-£5-£15
                                                                  2. Marketing Audiences
                                                                    1. 13 years-30
                                                                      1. Otakus
                                                                        1. Manga Geeks
                                                                        2. Communication
                                                                          1. Telephone
                                                                            1. Email-Ipads
                                                                              1. Work Cell Phones
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                              Teorías del desarrollo
                                                                              Valentina Ramírez
                                                                              Blue Exorcist
                                                                              LILY KARG
                                                                              The Ultimate Yu Yu Hakusho Quiz
                                                                              Gaara Sabaku
                                                                              Japanese Sentences
                                                                              Saki Sama
                                                                              PTT TokyoGhoul版 版慶活動-暖身87%考卷
                                                                              Nano Woody
                                                                              Attack on Titan
                                                                              Questions and anwers on how to make my anime drawing better
                                                                              Evolution of Yu-Gi-Oh!
                                                                              Sara Rrapaj
                                                                              Saki Sama