

Mind Map on encryption, created by Niamh Leigh on 06/12/2017.
Niamh Leigh
Mind Map by Niamh Leigh, updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh Leigh
Created by Niamh Leigh about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A) encryption uses numbers, letters or symbols as codes to make something private.
    1. B) you encrypt a message by using codes that only certain people know.
      1. C) you decrypt a message by using a code.
        1. D) we use encription to scramble up messages so that people do not know what you are talking about.
          1. it has https and a padlock in the searchbar.
            1. bacause some websites are not secure.
              1. using whatsapp, messaging people, websites, hyperlinks.
                1. Anti-virus
                  1. scans the computer all the time.
                    1. should be used on email attatchments and when downloading new software
                      1. needs regular updating to make sure there are no threats.
                        1. used when a program is trying to connect with another
                        2. Firewall
                          1. used to protect a computer from network intruders.
                            1. quarentines any programs or files which are harmfull
                              1. prevents harmful data from entering your computer
                                1. controls which programs can send and recieve data packets
                                2. password
                                  1. they have a minimum of how many characters there should be in a password.
                                    1. special code so only certain people know the message/password
                                      1. passwords should not have a specific rythm/pattern
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