political legitimacy/political theories


Level 2 politics Mind Map on political legitimacy/political theories, created by bettinaschnotz on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by bettinaschnotz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bettinaschnotz almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

political legitimacy/political theories
  1. normative approach
    1. social contract theory
      1. Hobbes
        1. absolutism
          1. negative liberty
          2. Locke
            1. constitutionalism
            2. Rousseau
              1. general will
                1. positive liberty
            3. prudential
              1. utility
                1. Humes
                  1. interest/utility as motivation
                    1. against absolute state power
                    2. Bentham
                      1. greatest happiness
                  2. constructive
                    1. Marx
                      1. Foucault
                      2. explanatory
                        1. rational choice
                          1. functional
                            1. interpretative
                            2. Enter text here
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