China's one child policy


Mind Map on China's one child policy, created by chloeyke on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by chloeyke, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chloeyke almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

China's one child policy
  1. Problems
    1. punishment if more than one baby born
      1. children lack confidence when there only one child
        1. local officers and central government had power over peoples private lives
          1. Chinese children have a reputation of being spoiled because there an only child.
            1. woman forced to have abortions
              1. china's society prefers sons over daughters, some daughters were placed in orphanages or even left to de
              2. Benefits
                1. new industries have lifted millions out of poverty
                  1. it is estimated that 400 million fewer people have been born
                    1. new technology helped from other countries
                      1. china doesn't over crowed
                        1. population growth has slowed down
                          1. more resources have increase standard of living
                          2. UNSUSTAINABLE!!
                            1. success/ failer
                              1. success
                                1. half born
                                  1. population growth slowed down
                                  2. failer
                                    1. too many men
                                      1. less women
                                        1. female didn't get education
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