Life Story work


Degree Introduction to health and social care (Block 2) Mind Map on Life Story work, created by Charlie_eeyore on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by Charlie_eeyore, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Charlie_eeyore almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Life Story work
  1. Working with people who are vulnerable
    1. Difficult and challenging transition
      1. Fostered children
        1. Can be difficult to obtain inforamtion
          1. Department of health recommends that they form part of a childs records
            1. Helps to explain what happened
              1. Reinforce the chlid is not to balme
              2. Scotland assessment triangle
                1. My wider world
                  1. How I grow and develop
                    1. What I need from people who look after me
                    2. Why life stories
                        1. Increased self-esteem
                          1. Sense of identity adn slef
                          2. Ryan and Walker (2007)
                            1. Entitled to an accurate knowledge of their past and famiy
                              1. Participation and involvement of the child and his or her family
                                1. Sensitivity, empathy for the child and a commitment to the work
                                  1. Handling Confidentially
                                  2. The children's act (1989)
                                    1. emphasis in working relationships with parents and carers
                                    2. Hard work and requires dedicatation form all involved
                                      1. Difficulites
                                        1. Sorting out truth from fiction
                                        2. Rose and terry Philpot ( 2005)
                                          1. Magical thinking
                                            1. Don't know make up
                                              1. Balme selfs for breakdown likely to do it next time.
                                              2. No ones life is a mere collection of facts.
                                              3. Jordan
                                                1. Suzanne
                                                  1. Bill
                                                    1. Road map
                                                      1. Plots homes/foster cares/ other key factors
                                                      2. First placement broke down as hip replacments (Jordan though as called mum)
                                                      3. Facts, memories, anecdotes, religious and cultural life
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                                                        Identity and attachment
                                                        Life experinece as everyday talk
                                                        Block 2 -  end of unit check list
                                                        Block 2 - Key Points
                                                        Block 1 Key Points
                                                        Social inclusion and the social model of disability
                                                        Social care, Who pays?, Who decides?
                                                        Entering the world of social care
                                                        Being Ill
                                                        Beveridge report
                                                        Maslows Hierarchy of needs