75. Smells Evoke Emotions and Memories


Mind Map on 75. Smells Evoke Emotions and Memories, created by Amber Smith-Waters on 15/10/2017.
Amber Smith-Waters
Mind Map by Amber Smith-Waters, updated more than 1 year ago
Amber Smith-Waters
Created by Amber Smith-Waters about 7 years ago

Resource summary

75. Smells Evoke Emotions and Memories
  1. When you smell a food your loved one used to cook when you were a child, this might put a smile on your face.
    1. Companies use scents in their branding to evoke certain feelings and emotions.
    2. Smells can evoke an emotional reaction.
      1. The thalamus is the area of the brain between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain. Its main function is to relay motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex.
        1. When you smell something, that sensory data heads directly to your amygdala, where emotional info is processed, which is why people react emotionally to smells.
        2. example: when you smell something sweet, it can relax you and make you feel good, or when you smell something rotten, it can make you feel disgusted and nauseous.
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