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Quit India Movement 1942
A-Levels India History Mind Map on Quit India Movement 1942, created by jacksearle on 21/05/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Quit India Movement 1942
Gandhi declared that Britain was unable to defend India
And that Indians should prefer a defence strategy of peaceful non-cooperation
Gandhi argued that since Japan were hostile towards Brits
as soon as India was a free nation they would negotiation peace with Japan
Congress declined to agree, Nehru rejected working with any fascist power
Beginning of Movement
8 August 1942 Congress meet in Bombay
Concluded that to protect India's rights to freedom they will start a mass non-violent protest on widest possible scale
Gandhi declared it the moment to "do or die for nothing less than freedom"
Also calls for British to 'Quit India' hence the name
Leader of Congress socialist party planned to seize Delhi in guerrilla war
Called on US soldier to help them - rejected
Unrest, arson and sabotage grew in mostly Hindu areas
Can be seen as the most violent protest performed by Indians
Quit India Movement can hardly be described as peaceful
British Reaction
By summer of 1942, Linlithgow was aware of mass movement being planned
Had plans made to arrest and deport entire congress leadership to Uganda
With Gandhi being deported to Aden
Plan fell through when governor of Aden rejected idea and with the realisation of the legal issues surrounding deportation
However, Cabinet authorised Linlithgow to take all necessary measures after they discovered the violent approach of the movement
British Crackdown
Arrested Congress Leaders in morning raids
Congress working committee imprisonerd
Gandhi detained in a palace where he was well looked after
British satisfy his needs, just wanted to remove him from the scene
Initial Delhi Hartal resulted in 14 people being killed by police
Direct Action by British
Police shot those who broke curfew
Conducted public whippings
Woman beaten
Also allegations of police raping civilians
As violence escalated, there were some cases of policemen being burnt to death by the people
Led to British burning whole villages and using aircraft to machine gun crowds
Around 500 arrested without trial and denied visits
Linlithgow passed British emergency powers to allow the to crush movement
By end of 1942, British had managed to suppress Quit India Movement
Using 57 infantry battalions to restore order
In the process, it was not only lives, liberties and homes that had been lost
British had lost moral authority in India and with US public opinion
Linlithgow increased press censorship while using more serveillance to intercept Congress
Possible reasons why Quit India became violent
Realised that British were tied up with WWII, if they used violence at this point they may stand a chance
Gandhi "do or die for nothing less than freedom"
People interpret it as encouraging violence
Frustration at not being offered independence
Leads to having to use extreme action
Had enough
British Justification of Actions
They're in middle of WWII
Have no time to mess around agreeing to peace treaties etc
Had to use immediate extreme action to crush movement
Felt under threat by Japanes, a mass movement would make it easier for Japanese to invade
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