Mapa de conceitos- inglês


rever a materia dada na aula para o teste
Sabrina  Barbosa
Mind Map by Sabrina Barbosa, updated more than 1 year ago
Sabrina  Barbosa
Created by Sabrina Barbosa about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Mapa de conceitos- inglês
  1. verbs in past
    1. past continuous
      1. affirmative
        1. pronome pessoal+were and was + verbo acabado em -ing


          • past continuous: I/He/She/It- was You/We/They: were
        2. negative
          1. pronome pessoal+weren´t and wasn´t + verbo acabado em -ing


            • past continuous: I/He/She/It- wasn´t You/We/They: weren´t
          2. interrogative
            1. were and was+ pronome pessoal+ verbo acabado em -ing


              • Was I/He/She/It.... Were You/We/They ...
          3. simple past
            1. afirmative
              1. irregulares


                •  Verbos decorados na aula: Give - gave be-was Become-became run-ran put-put pay-paid ...
                1. pronome pessoal+ verbo irregular
                2. regulares


                  • acresentar o -ed ao verbo no ifinitivo. play-played Quando a palavra acaba com -e basta acrescentar o -d. phone - phoned vogal+y ou w, acrescenta-se o -ed play- played consoante +y,acrescenta-se ied cry- cried quando a palavra caba em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a consoante e acrescenta-se o ed. stop- stopped quando terminam em -l, dobra-se o -l e acrescenta-se o ed cancel- cancelled 
                  1. pronome pessoal+verbo+ed
                3. interrogative
                  1. did+pronome pessoal+verbo
                  2. negative
                    1. pronome pessoal+didn´t+verbo
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