Causes of World War I


Causes of World War 1 Social, Political and economical aspects.
Mauricio Perez
Mind Map by Mauricio Perez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by LAURA GARCIA GARCIA about 9 years ago
Mauricio Perez
Copied by Mauricio Perez almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of World War I
  1. Alliances
    1. Economical
      1. Financing the costs of the military
        1. Trade agreements, investments and loans.
        2. Political
          1. Mistrust between countries
            1. Two camps
              1. Triple Alliance
                1. Germany
                  1. Austro-Hungary
                    1. Italy
                    2. Triple Entente
                      1. Great Britain
                        1. France
                          1. Russia
                  2. Militarism
                    1. Political
                      1. Powerful military = Greatness
                      2. Economical
                        1. Rise of european arms race.
                          1. Large standing armies in order to be prepared for war.
                        2. Social
                          1. A powerful military made citizens feel patriotic.
                        3. Imperialism
                          1. Political
                            1. European countries competed for colonies in Africa
                            2. Economical
                              1. Competition over territories and materials.Rivalry between Europe's great powers.
                                1. Bigger territories.
                                2. Social
                                  1. Imposing:
                                    1. Religion
                                      1. Language
                                        1. Culture
                                          1. Education
                                      2. Nationalism
                                        1. Political
                                          1. Economical
                                            1. Social
                                              1. Balkan Region
                                                1. Free themselves from the Ottoman Turks.
                                                  1. Formed new nations
                                                    1. Greece
                                                      1. Serbia
                                                        1. Bulgaria
                                                          1. Romania
                                                            1. Montenegro
                                                    2. Catalina Isaza - Laura García García 9A
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