

Mind map about laravel and php wrapping all the important concepts that need to be known.
Luis Rojas
Mind Map by Luis Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis Rojas
Created by Luis Rojas over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Classes
    1. Inheritance
      1. extends
        1. override
        2. abstract


          • An abstract class can't be instantiated.
          1. abstract methods


            • The child classes MUST implement the abstract method.
          2. interface


            • Programming over interface not implementation. If we're struggling between different types when using some class, an interface is a good choice.


            1. contract
          3. Encapsulation
            1. public
              1. private
                1. protected
              2. Routes
                1. Route Model Binding


                2. Models
                  1. Controllers
                    1. DI
                      1. Passing arguments to a function, in a "classy" way
                      2. IoC Container
                        1. Eloquent
                          1. QueryScopes


                            • public function scopeNombre($query){ return $query->method(bla, bla bla)->get(); }
                          2. SOLID
                            1. Simple Rules
                              1. No abbreviation
                                1. Class names
                                  1. Methods
                                    1. Variables
                                      1. Be descriptive
                                        1. No more than 2 words in the descriptive method/class
                                        2. No else condition
                                          1. Many choices = Polymorphism?
                                          2. One leve of indentation per method
                                            1. Limit the Instance Variables
                                              1. Wrap primitive and strings
                                                1. Does it bring clarity?
                                                  1. Is there behavior?
                                                    1. Consistency
                                                      1. Important domain concept?
                                                    2. Service Container
                                                      1. Where services are binded, functions as a Singleton instance of a class.
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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