Natural Resources


Mind Map on Natural Resources, created by rainyk sanchez on 23/02/2017.
rainyk sanchez
Mind Map by rainyk sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
rainyk sanchez
Created by rainyk sanchez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Resources
  1. petroleum
    1. gas
    2. material goods and services by nature
      1. minerals
        1. coins, wires, steel, etc.
        2. indirec
          1. ecological services
          2. direc
            1. foods
              1. minerals
            2. Air
              1. wind power, pneumatic
              2. carbon
                1. erectricity
                2. Animals
                  1. milk, cheese, meat, clothing, silk, wool
                  2. natural gas
                    1. Electrical, heanting
                      1. Elavorado por: Laura Iveth Godínez Sánchez Grupo:404
                    2. plants
                      1. paper, cotton , clothes, fruits, vegetables
                      2. sunlight
                        1. photosynthesis
                        2. water
                          1. hydroelectric energy
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