Political & Legal institutions (Political institutions & systems)


Apuntes del curso "Ideas revolucionarias: utilidad, justicia, igualdad, libertad"
Roberto Rojas
Mind Map by Roberto Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Roberto Rojas
Created by Roberto Rojas about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Political & Legal institutions (Political institutions & systems)
  1. Product of human mind
    1. Foundational ideas
      1. Not fixed and unquestionable
        1. Evaluate and/or change them
        2. In the U.S.A., founders were distinguished by (their own values)
          1. Wealth
            1. Political connections
              1. Military service
                1. Things they wanted the government to embody or achieve
                  1. They looked to:
                    1. Plato
                      1. Cicero
                        1. Locke
                          1. Hume
                            1. Rousseau
                              1. Montesquieu
                          2. Our ideals and values
                            1. Do and shape political values
                              1. Identify problems with institutions
                                1. Think how change might help and achieve those values
                                2. Why should we have a State? Why legal and political institutions?
                                  1. 4 answers have been considered taken from different approaches (Law, Economics, Psychology, Political Science...)
                                    1. Happiness (peace, stability, human flourishing)
                                      1. Justice (Utilitarian views: all needs met to allow the exercise of the 10 capabilities of human beings)
                                        1. Libertarian Conception of Justice
                                          1. John Rawls (most influential view)
                                          2. Equality
                                            1. Freedom (negative and positive)
                                              1. State as threat to individual freedom
                                                1. State as necessary element of freedom for people
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