Education in spain


como funciona la educacion en españa
jonatan giordano planaguma
Mind Map by jonatan giordano planaguma, updated more than 1 year ago
jonatan giordano planaguma
Created by jonatan giordano planaguma almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Education in spain
  1. primary school
    1. from 6 to 12 years old
      1. First Cycle years
        1. Second Cycle
          1. Third cycle
            1. curriculum includes natural and social sciences, Spanish and an autonomous language (if applicable), literature, mathematics, arts, physical education and a foreign language
            2. secondary school
              1. from 12 to 16 years old
                1. first cycle (2 years)
                  1. two subjects can be choosen from: moral and social education, art, music, IT and a second foreign language
                  2. second cycle (two years)
                    1. in the last year students have to choose three of the following subjects: biology and geology; fine and visual arts; physics and chemistry; IT; Latin; music; a second foreign language; and technology
                    2. prepares students for the baccalaureate or vocational training
                      1. Compulsory subjects are natural sciences, Spanish language and literature, geography and history, mathematics, physical education and a foreign language.
                      2. COMPULSORY EDUCATION
                        1. private schools
                          1. fee-paying school
                          2. state (public) schools
                            1. FREE
                              1. special state schools
                                1. for pupils with special education needs
                              2. lack of extra-curricular activities
                                1. sports and other activities organized by parents and sports associations
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