Mind Maps with GoConqr


Creating Mind Maps online with GoConqr's free tool.
carlos daniel esteban roque
Mind Map by carlos daniel esteban roque, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez over 9 years ago
maya velasquez
Copied by maya velasquez over 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden over 9 years ago
Moy Chalé
Copied by Moy Chalé over 9 years ago
carlos daniel esteban roque
Copied by carlos daniel esteban roque about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Mind Maps with GoConqr
  1. Easy to use
    1. Online
      1. Access from anywhere
        1. Preparing for tests
      2. Free
        1. Sign up now


          • https://www.goconqr.com/es/users/sign_up
          1. Start creating your Mind Maps straight away
        2. En español
          1. Sharing
            1. Share with students
              1. Share with friends
                1. Share with teachers
                  1. Share with classmates
                    1. Share with everyone
                    2. Invite your friends
                      1. Twitter


                        • https://www.twitter.com/GoConqr_es
                        1. Facebook


                          • http://www.facebook.com/SomosGoConqr
                          1. Google+


                            • https://plus.google.com/108783532948840012086/posts
                          2. Help you study
                            1. Study for exams
                              1. Good grades
                              2. Review notes
                                1. Organising ideas
                                2. Mind Mapping for everyone
                                  1. for teachers
                                    1. for students
                                      1. for professionals
                                      2. ICT Resource
                                        1. Insert into your website
                                          1. Insert into your blog
                                            1. Convert to PDF
                                            2. Create from anywhere
                                              1. PC
                                                1. Tablet
                                                  1. Mobile device
                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                  Mind Maps with GoConqr
                                                  Karina Rodríguez
                                                  Creating Mind Maps with GoConqr
                                                  Mind Mapping: 10 Estrategias para Docentes
                                                  maya velasquez
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                                                  Fomentando el Aprendizaje Colaborativo con Grupos de Estudio
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