Development as Freedom


Ramón  Castro
Mind Map by Ramón Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Ramón  Castro
Created by Ramón Castro almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Development as Freedom
  1. Development
    1. It is more than economic growth
      1. Must economist forget this is just one aspect that is part of development
      2. It is more than an increase in income
        1. Traditional way to measure development
          1. It does not show satisfaction of people's needs
        2. It only can be reached by removing unfreedoms
          1. Unfreedoms prevent people from exercising their rights
            1. It is related to the quality of life
              1. Unfreedoms are all the conditions or processes do not let people progress
                1. Some unfreedoms can be:
                  1. Poverty
                    1. Segregation
                      1. Repressive States
                        1. Closed markets
                        2. They all cause deprivation
                          1. To do solve this, it is necessary the involvement of:
                            1. Society
                              1. Government
                                1. Markets
                                  1. People have to be given life skills
                                    1. To improve life standards
                                  2. Some effects can be related to:
                                    1. Early mortality
                                      1. Famine
                                        1. Poverty & little economic opportunities
                                          1. Violence
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