

Concept Map for Topic 8 "Reading & Writing"
Vanessa Mancilla
Mind Map by Vanessa Mancilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Vanessa Mancilla
Created by Vanessa Mancilla over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Identifying important details
    1. What do you wanna know?
      1. Read any questions before the text
        1. Also answer choices
        2. Scan to find information
        3. Phrasal verbs
          1. verb+prepositions
            1. Inseparable
              1. Can be only in one order
                1. Look after
              2. Separable
                1. prepositions can be separated from the main part of the verb
                  1. Put the gift away
                    1. Put away the gift
                      1. Put it away
                  2. Effective hooks
                    1. Grabbing reader's interest
                      1. Strong statement
                        1. Question
                          1. Anecdote
                            1. Statistic
                          2. Make predictions
                            1. Guess what will come next
                              1. Infering
                            2. Intensifier
                              1. Emphasis by degrees
                                1. Even busier
                              2. Connecting themes
                                1. Main topic
                                  1. Inferences
                                    1. Making conclusions
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