Digital video


main map abaout digital video
oscar cortes acosta
Mind Map by oscar cortes acosta, updated more than 1 year ago
oscar cortes acosta
Created by oscar cortes acosta over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Digital video
  1. types of videos
    1. analog
      1. refers to CCTV cameras which us an analog video signal that is transmitted over coaxial cable back to a video recorder or monitor.
      2. digital
        1. recorder (DVR) and stored on a hard drive (like the ones in Windows and Macs computers).
      3. Meaning
        1. Refers to recording, manipulating, and displaying moving images, especially in a format that can be presented on a television.Refers to displaying images and text on a computer monitor.
        2. formats
          1. AVI (Audio Video Interleaved = Audio Video Interleaved), MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group = Group Experts Movie), MOV has been recently developed by Microsoft, RM is the proposal of Real Networks for video files, FLV is a format that uses the Adobe Flash player to view video on the Internet. Catalina • Ahora
          2. software
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