
Mapa mental en ingles de Teoria General de Sitemas.
Jonathan Echavarria Diaz
Mind Map by Jonathan Echavarria Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Echavarria Diaz
Created by Jonathan Echavarria Diaz about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. what is general system
    1. A model of set of interrelated principles and concepts that explains and organizations complex entities
    2. what is
      1. General Sytems theory is extremely generic and can be applicable to many different fields
        1. Fields:
          1. Endocrine systems
            1. Police systems
              1. Social systems
          2. History
            1. 1936
              1. Ludwig von Bertanlanffy developed the General Systems theory to solve this problem
                1. He wrote the most famous book of the General Systems Theory
                  1. Born September 19, 1901 in Atzgersdorf, Austria
                    1. He died in Buffalo new York in 1972
                  2. 1955
                    1. Ross Ashby continues to develop the theory
                      1. Born in september 6, 1903 in London
                        1. He was president for the society of General Systems researchs 1962-1964
                          1. He died in 1972
                      2. Systems concepts
                        1. State
                          1. System-environment boundary
                            1. Input
                              1. Output
                                1. Process
                                  1. Hierarchy
                                    1. Goal directedness
                                      1. Information
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