General Systems Theory


Mapa de ideas sobre los principios más básicos de la Teoría General de Sistemas (TGS)
Julian Onoa
Mind Map by Julian Onoa, updated more than 1 year ago
Julian Onoa
Created by Julian Onoa about 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
  1. Correlated sets and principles
    1. Wants to explain complex entities
      1. Create general models of everything
      2. Creada por teorístas de sistemas para explicar cualquier sistema
        1. Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy developed TGS
          1. Ross Ashby Developed it even further
            1. He was born on september 6th 1903, in England
              1. Doctor from Cambridge
                1. He was the president of the Society of system investigation
                  1. High influence in complex systems, cybernetics and system theories
                  2. He was born on September 19th 1901, in Austria
                    1. He studied biology and philosophy
                      1. He wrote the book about TGS
                        1. He published articles about the individual growth model
                      2. Main concepts include
                        1. Boundaries
                          1. Input
                            1. Output
                              1. Processes
                                1. States
                                  1. Hierarchies
                                    1. Objectives
                                      1. Information
                                        1. General terms and principles for multiple disciplines and areas
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