General Systems Theory


General Systems Theory
diana paola  marin hernandez
Mind Map by diana paola marin hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
diana paola  marin hernandez
Created by diana paola marin hernandez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
  1. The general systems theory is closely linked to The engineering may be applicable to many different fields
    1. The General Systems Theory has objectives such as: 1. To promote and disseminate the development of terminology General for describing the characteristics, systemic functions and behaviors . 2. Generate the development of a set of rules all these behaviors are applicable 3. Giving impetus to a (mathematical ) formalization of these laws
    2. GST FACTS: general systems theory is divided into many fields so basically the GST can be used to explain all weather systems
      1. history of general systems theory: in 1936 ludwing von bertanlanffy developed to solved the general systems this problem the theory wAS FURTHER developed by ross ashby in 1955
        1. Biography: born in Vienna 1901y died in New York in 1972 its interest covering experimental theoretical biology, philosophy of science and man, psychology and psychiatry theory of symbolism, history and a variety of social problems
          1. William Ross Ashby was an English physician and neurologist, who was instrumental in the consolidation of modern cybernetics and created the first homeostat, electronic device self-regulating feedback. Date of birth: September 6, 1903, Lewisham, London, United Kingdom Date of Death: November 15, 1972, Tockington, United Kingdom
          2. The General Systems Theory is also seen as a theory conventional mathematics, a type of thought, a sort of According to theories of systems levels with increasing generality
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