
teoria musica Mind Map on UNIT 8: MUSICAL FORM, created by marina galmesriera on 14/04/2016.
marina galmesriera
Mind Map by marina galmesriera, updated more than 1 year ago
marina galmesriera
Created by marina galmesriera over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Organization of sound
    1. What is the organization of sound?
      1. The organization of sound is the way a composer puts themes in a piece, giving it form
      2. Why is important to organize sound?
        1. because ifit is not ordered you cannot identify the different themes and remember them. It would be a chaos of musical ideas
      3. Principales of repetition, contrast and variation
        1. repeat the same melody: AA
          1. change the melody slightly: AA
            1. Contrast the melody to a new one
              1. binary: this is good for short pieces. It is an A and B form, but B does not contrast vey much. sometimes one of them repeats
                1. ternary:this is also good for short pieces, but always return to the initial theme:A B A
                  1. Rondo:this is for pieces that are a bit longer:ABACADA...
                    1. Strophic: thies has verses and refreins. Some very simples songs have not refrain and often tell stories
                    2. Principales of composition
                      1. there are trhee ways to compose:
                        1. repeat the same melody again: AA
                          1. Vary the melody a bit: AA'
                            1. Contrast the melody with a new melody: AB
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