
Mind Map on CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT, created by stephanyacosta19 on 10/04/2016.
Mind Map by stephanyacosta19, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stephanyacosta19 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Voice and Body Language
    1. Teachers must:
      1. • Have a body posture with an air of confidence and optimism.
        1. • Make eye contact with all students frequently.
          1. • Move around to the classroom.
            1. •Dress appropriately.
              1. •Have good voice projection, articulate clearly, and have a natural flow to the language.
                1. • Use gestures to enhance meanings.
              2. Unplanned Teaching: Midstream Lesson Changes
                1. What to do when:
                  1. • Students/ teachers digress and throw off the plan of the class.
                    1. • And unexpected but pertinent question comes up.
                      1. • A students is disruptive in class.
                        1. • There is not enough time to finish the activity that has already started.
                          1. • Teachers are asked a question and they do not know the answer.
                          2. The key is: poise
                            1. • Allowing the lesson to move on.
                              1. • Making a midstream change in the plan.
                                1. • Assessing the situation quickly.
                                  1. • Staying clam.
                                2. Physical Environment
                                  1. 1. Sight, sound, and comfort
                                    1. • Classroom must be free from external noises as possible.
                                      1. • Chairs should be appropriately arranged.
                                        1. •Chalkboards must be erased.
                                          1. •Classroom must be neat and clean.
                                          2. 2. Seating arrangements
                                            1. •Learners should be able to see one another.
                                              1. • Teacher should make students do not feel like they are in a military formation.
                                                1. •Teacher should determine who sits next to whom.
                                                2. 3. Chalkboard use
                                                  1. • Teachers must use the chalkboard orderly.
                                                    1. • Teachers should avoid chaos in the chalkboard.
                                                    2. 4. Equipment
                                                      1. Teachers must:
                                                        1. • Know how the equipment operates.
                                                          1. • Make sure everyone can see/hear the visual/auditory aids.
                                                            1. • Have plan b, c, d etc. In case something goes wrong.
                                                        2. Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
                                                          1. 1. Establish rapport
                                                            1. Teachers have to:
                                                              1. • Show interest in each student as a person
                                                                1. • Work with students and nor against them.
                                                                  1. • Give feedback on each person's progress
                                                                    1. • Laugh with students and not at them.
                                                                  2. 2. Balancing praise and criticism
                                                                    1. Teachers have to:
                                                                      1. • Show verbal and nonverbal variety
                                                                        1. • Foster intrinsic motivation to continue to pursue goals.
                                                                          1. • Specify the particular of an accomplishment.
                                                                        2. 3. Generating energy
                                                                          1. Teachers have to:
                                                                            1. • Express confidence
                                                                              1. • Positive beliefs
                                                                                1. • Be happy with students into the classroom.
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