
Germany after the First World War
Agustina Rivarola
Mind Map by Agustina Rivarola, updated more than 1 year ago
Agustina Rivarola
Created by Agustina Rivarola almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Was practicaly in bankrupt
    1. Income reduced in conection to 1913
      1. Industrial prodction decreased
        1. Soldier's death left too many orphans and widows
        2. Started a notable discord in society
          1. Rich & poor
            1. Industrious women & People who thought "tradition of family" was broken up
              1. Workers who won little money during the war & Factories' owners who made fortunes
              2. Unstable democratic republic
                1. Stresses ended up in a revolution in 1918
                  1. Ex-soldiers and civilians took Field Marshal Hindenburg as the real hero
                  2. Auttum 1918, The Allies won the war
                    1. Offered Germany peace under some conditions
                      1. The Kiser refused
                        1. November 1918, the Kiser abdicated his throne
                          1. Frederich Ebert became the new leader of the Republic of Germany
                            1. He signed armistice with the Allies
                              1. Gave germans freedom of speech, freedom of worship and better working conditions
                                1. People was supposed to accept a change in the tradition
                                  1. They didn't
                                    1. Erbert had opposition form both sides
                                      1. Right
                                        1. Ex-advisers remained in their postions in army, industri, civil service
                                          1. Limited what the new goverment could do
                                            1. Said Erbert had betrayed Germany and caused the defeat
                                            2. People who liked the Kaiser's dictational style of goverment
                                              1. Kapp Putsch
                                                1. German people, mainly industrial workers set up strikes
                                                  1. The rebellion realised it could not succed and left the country
                                            3. Left
                                              1. Comunists who thought they needed a Communist revolution just like Russia in 1917
                                                1. SPARTACISTS
                                                  1. Wanted a Germany ruled by workers' counsils or soviets
                                                    1. Joined rebel soldiers and sailors who set up soviets in many towns
                                                      1. Revolution failed
                                                      2. FREIKORPS
                                                        1. Anti-Communist ex-soldiers who formed themselves into vigilante groups
                                                          1. Ebert made an agreement to put down the rebelion
                                                        2. Though he won the elections and became president of the WEIMAR REPUBLIC
                                      2. The Treaty of Versailles
                                        1. Germany lost lost part of its natural resourses, colonies, land and population
                                          1. The army was reduced and they were forced to accept blame and pay reparations
                                            1. People turned thier fury on Ebert
                                              1. Economic chaos
                                                1. The Ruhr
                                                  1. The negociations Ebert tryed to carry out failed
                                                    1. What was owned was paid in raw materials and goods
                                                2. Hyperinflation
                                                  1. Germany had no goods to trade
                                                    1. Started the printing money
                                                      1. Too much money in circulation
                                                        1. Prices rised apace
                                                3. August 1923, New goverment, Gustav Stressmann
                                                  1. Solved economic crisis by negociating
                                                    1. Hyperinflation left damage, the right-wing opponents blamed the goverment for loosing the support of the middle class
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