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Linux LPI Nível 1
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Mind Map by
Walker Leite
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Walker Leite
about 11 years ago
Resource summary
Exame 101
101. System Architecture
101.1 | 2 | Determine and configure hardware settings
101.2 | 3 | Boot the system
101.3 | 3 | Change runlevels and shutdown or reboot system
102. Linux Installation and Package Management
102.1 | 2 | Design hard disk layout
102.2 | 2 | Install a boot manager
102.3 | 1 | Manage shared libraries
102.4 | 3 | Use Debian package management
102.5 | 3 | Use RPM and YUM package Management
103. GNU and Unix Commands
103.1 | 4 | Work on the command line
103.2 | 3 | Process text streams using filters
103.3 | 4 | Perform basic file management
103.4 | 4 | Use streams, pipes and redirects
103.5 | 4 | Create, monitor and kill processes
103.6 | 2 | Modify process execution priorities
103.7 | 2 | Search text files using regular expressions
103.8 | 3 | Perform basic file editing operations using vi
104. Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
104.1 | 2 | Create partitions and filesystems
104.2 | 2 | Maintain the integrity of filesystems
104.3 | 3 | Control mounting and umounting of filesystems
104.4 | 1 | Manage disk quotas
104.5 | 3 | Manage file permissions and ownership
104.6 | 2 | Create and change hard and symbolic links
104.7 | 2 | Find system files and place files in the correct location
Exame 102
105. Shells, Scripting and Data Management
105.1 | 4 | Customize and user the shell environment
105.2 | 4 | Customize or write simple scripts
105.3 | 2 | SQL data management
106. User Interfaces and Desktops
106.1 | 2 | Install and configure X11
106.2 | 2 | Setup a display manager
106.3 | 1 | Accessibility
107. Administrative Tasks
107.1 | 5 | Manage user and group accounts and related system files
107.2 | 4 | Automate system administration tasks by scheduling jobs
107.3 | 3 | Localisation and internationalisation
108. Essential System Services
108.1 | 3 | Maintain system time
108.2 | 2 | System logging
108.3 | 3 | Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) basics
108.4 | 2 | Manage printers and printing
109. Networking Fundamentals
109.1 | 4 | Fundamentals of internet protocols
109.2 | 4 | Basic network configuration
109.3 | 4 | Basic network troubleshooting
109.4 | 2 | Configure client side DNS
110. Security
110.1 | 3 | Perform security administration tasks
110.2 | 3 | Setup host security
110.3 | 3 | Securing data with encryption
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