Strategy ..


Mapa Mental
Carely Carrera
Mind Map by Carely Carrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Carely Carrera
Created by Carely Carrera over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Strategy ..
  1. Is the means by which individuals or organizations achieve their objectives; a plan, method, or series of actions designed to achieve a specific goal or effect
    1. Organizations need strategy because assist the effective management of they by enhancing the quality of decision making, facilitating coordination and focusing organization on the pursuit of long-term goals.
      1. A company’s strategy can be found in 3 places
        1. Heads of managers
          1. Articulations of strategy in speeches
            1. Written documents
            2. Mcdonald’s strategy: Implementing the key drivers of an exceptional customer experience, people, products, price, place and promotion and by having well-trained, friendly people
              1. Nokia strategy: Deliver differentiated and innovative products with unrivalled scale in term of product breadth.
            3. Strategy as decision support
              1. Strategy as a coordinating device
                1. Strategy as target
                  1. Where and how to compete?
                    1. Corporate strategy is the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and market in which it competes
                      1. Coca-Cola, which competes in the soft drinks industry in worldwide
                      2. Business strategy is concerned with how the firm competes within a particular industry or market
                          1. Coca-cola pursues a differentiation strategy where it relies on brand image developed through heavy advertising
                      3. Henry Mintzberg is a leading critic of rational approaches to strategy design
                        1. Intended: Strategy as conceived of by the top management team.
                          1. Realized: The actual strategy that is implemented
                            1. Emergent: The decisions that emerge from the complex processes in which individual managers interpret the intended strategy
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