Unit 2


Mapa mental del libro de inglés American English File.
Mind Map by claudialrz.97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claudialrz.97 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 2
  1. Simple past
    1. Talk about finished actions in the past
      1. Regular verbs
        1. go/went
        2. Irregular verbs
          1. wanted
      2. Past continuous
        1. "I was driving home"
        2. Questions with an auxiliary
          1. "Wich CD did he buy?"
          2. Questions without an auxiliary
            1. "Who writes their song?"
            2. Because
              1. to express a reason
              2. So
                1. to express a result
                2. But and altough
                  1. To show a contrast
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