French Revolution


Resumen de la Revolucion Francesa hasta el punto 4
Mind Map by lucia-margon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucia-margon about 9 years ago

Resource summary

French Revolution
  1. Causes
    1. Influence of the Enlightenment
      1. French intellectuals and bourgeoisie supported this ideas and tried to put them in practise
      2. Political crisis
        1. Estates General brought together representatives of the three states


          • See on page 75 of the book.
          1. Clergy:300 representatives and one vote
            1. Nobility:300 representatives and one vote
              1. Middle class/Peasantry:600 representatives and one vote
                1. Louis the XVI
                  1. Absolute monarch who opposed meetings of the Estates General.
                    1. Estates of the realm couldn´t present their demands.
              2. Economic crisis
                1. French state was bankrupt
                  1. Because of its participation in military conlicts
                    1. Louis XVI's ministers suggested the increase of taxes.


                      • Even for the privileged upper classes.
                  2. Social crisis
                    1. All the three estates of the realm were discontented
                      1. Noblity and clergy
                        1. Wanted to protect their economic priviligies,so they refused to pay the taxes
                        2. Middle class and peaseantry
                          1. Bourgeoisie wanted to abolish the absolute monarchy


                            • Because it didn´t allow them to participate in government
                            1. The lower middle class was suffering economic difficulties
                              1. Wars,higher taxes and competition with British products
                                1. The same happened to the peasantry,morover they had to pay higher rent


                                  • In addition the middle class and peasantry were angered by luxurious lifestyle.
                        3. Major events
                          1. The National Assembly
                            1. The Third Estate proposed a new voting system
                              1. The king refused so they called themselves the representatives of the nation.
                                1. Formed a National Assembly


                                  • assembly:group of people chosen to make laws or decisions.
                                  1. Demanded a constitution.
                              2. The Constituent Assembly
                                1. The king agreed to the Third Estate´s demands.
                                  1. A new Constituent Assembly was elected to write a constitution
                                  2. Protesters began to riot and on 14 July 1789,they attacked the Bastille.
                                    1. Legal reforms
                                      1. Abolished feudal rights
                                        1. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
                                          1. Louis XVI tried to escape to Austria,however they discovered his plan
                                        2. Constitution (1791)
                                        3. Legislative Assembly
                                          1. Girondins
                                            1. Represented the bourgeoisie,political ideas became more moderate,liberal economic policies that helped middle class and limited suffrage.
                                            2. Jacobins
                                              1. Political ideas became more radical,wanted to abolish the monarchy and put he king on trial,expand the suffrage and control price rises.
                                            3. The Convention
                                              1. Attack on Tulerie Palace


                                                • This caused the end of the legislative assembly
                                                1. Girondin convention
                                                  1. Republican proclamation
                                                    1. Louis XVI accused of Treason
                                                      1. Prison
                                                        1. Judged
                                                          1. Executed
                                                      2. Rebublican Calendar


                                                        • year 1=1792 day 1=22/9
                                                        1. New war
                                                          1. National coalition to stop the spread of the revolutionary ideas.
                                                          2. Internal counter revolution (La Vendeé)


                                                            • Supported by monarchy,clergy and noblement.
                                                          3. Jacobin Convention
                                                            1. 12 members led by Robespierre
                                                              1. Dictatorship called "Terror"
                                                                1. M.Antoinette
                                                                  1. Girondists
                                                                    1. 45000 more deaths
                                                                    2. Government deal with
                                                                      1. Europe war
                                                                        1. Internal Counter Revolution
                                                                        2. New laws
                                                                          1. Universal suffrage and prices control
                                                                          2. 1794,Robespierre removed from power
                                                                        3. Directory(1797-99)
                                                                          1. Moderate middle class gained control of France.
                                                                            1. More conservative government
                                                                              1. Censitarg suffrage
                                                                                1. Constitution of Year III (1795)
                                                                                  1. Radicals wanted to gain control
                                                                                    1. Napoleon Coup D'Etat
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