
Karol Enriquez
Mind Map by Karol Enriquez, updated 12 months ago
Karol Enriquez
Created by Karol Enriquez 12 months ago

Resource summary

  1. The nature of language
    1. Morphology and the lexicon
      1. Word's formation study
        1. morpheme
          1. The minimal unit of meaning.
            1. Bound morpheme
              1. It can't function by itself
                1. It can form new words
                  1. Affixes
                    1. Ex: un of unlikely
                2. Free morpheme
                  1. It can funtion by itself
                    1. (Ex: man, woman, book).
          2. Semantics
            1. Word's meaning study
              1. semantic's knowledge
                1. means
                  1. Language reference's knowledge
              2. Syntax and meaning interrelate
              3. Pragmatics
                1. Language use in context.
                  1. Word order may have an effect on meaning
                2. Understanding of what it is that needs to be learned.
                  1. Sound systems
                    1. It entails knowing
                      1. what sounds are possible
                        1. what sounds are not possible in the language.
                        2. Phonological knowledge
                          1. Involves knowing what happens to words in fast speech as opposed to more carefully articulated speech
                        3. Syntaxt
                          1. Descriptive grammars
                            1. Referring to the knowledge we have of the order of elements in a sentence.
                              1. There are two types
                                1. Prescriptive grammar
                                  1. They are rules as are generally taught in school
                                    1. without regard to the way native speakers of a language actually use language
                                  2. Descriptive grammar
                                    1. Describe languages as they are actually used
                            2. Development of SLA
                              1. In the past 40–45 years
                                1. Draws from various disciplines
                                  1. Linguistics
                                    1. Psychology
                                      1. Education
                                        1. Sociolinguistics
                                          1. Cognitive science
                                        2. The nature of nonnative speaker knowledge
                                          1. Native speakers
                                            1. Have a level of language proficiency
                                            2. Students of second languages
                                              1. Created their own language system
                                                1. Called interlengua (IL)
                                                  1. It has its own structure.
                                                    1. Elements
                                                      1. Mother tongue (LN)
                                                        1. Target Language (ME)
                                                          1. New forms
                                                            1. They do not come from either.
                                                          2. The fossilization
                                                            1. Permanent establishment of deviant language forms in interlanguage.
                                                              1. They exist regardless of subsequent exposure to the target language.
                                                                1. Can generate learning problems
                                                                  1. Students reach levels far removed from the standards of the target language
                                                          3. The study of the acquisition
                                                            1. It is a complex field
                                                              1. Due to the information to be learned.
                                                            2. Tthe absence of longitudinal studies and necessary databases
                                                              1. generates
                                                                1. The lack of solid explanations
                                                            3. Conclusion
                                                              1. cross-linguistic analysis
                                                                1. focuses on
                                                                  1. The learner and the learning processes.
                                                              2. Points for discussion
                                                                1. Students
                                                                  1. Ability to produce indirect questions
                                                                    1. Spontaneous speech
                                                                      1. Tendency to make mistakes.
                                                                    2. Distinction between
                                                                      1. Acquiring a second language and learning a foreign language
                                                                        1. Considered
                                                                          1. Fundamentally different and not different.
                                                                        2. Acquisition of the child language and the second adult language
                                                                          1. In relation to
                                                                            1. Understanding and use of clauses
                                                                        3. Lack of solid theoretical explanation
                                                                          1. For fossilization in interlanguage
                                                                            1. It is asked of the peers
                                                                              1. Create a list
                                                                                1. Reasons for its existence.
                                                                            2. It is discussed and considered
                                                                              1. Variation in the acceptance of prayers by native speakers
                                                                                1. Examples of
                                                                                  1. Acceptable and unacceptable prayers.
                                                                                2. Variation in syntactic knowledge
                                                                                  1. In second language students.
                                                                                3. Is explored and examined
                                                                                  1. The nature of knowledge of non-native speakers
                                                                                    1. Are analyzed
                                                                                      1. Examples of sentences
                                                                                        1. Produced by an Arabic speaker of English
                                                                                    2. Motivating factors
                                                                                      1. To study the acquisition of a second language
                                                                                    3. They are compared
                                                                                      1. In their mother tongue (Tatar) and second language (Russian)
                                                                                        1. Compositions written by schoolchildren
                                                                                          1. Focusing on
                                                                                            1. Similarities and differences in the information included
                                                                                        2. It is requested
                                                                                          1. Couples
                                                                                            1. Answer statements
                                                                                              1. About learning languages and justifying their answers
                                                                                          2. It is mentioned
                                                                                            1. The difficulty of determining when learning has been completed
                                                                                              1. Is presented examples of
                                                                                                1. Stumbling areas in the first language Words unknown in the vocabulary of the mother tongue.
                                                                                          3. Involves the study of any language that’s learned after your first language
                                                                                            1. Including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and communication skills.
                                                                                            2. Scope
                                                                                              1. Language system creation
                                                                                                1. Native and second language proficiency
                                                                                                  1. Formation of language rulers by learners
                                                                                                  2. Language pedagogy
                                                                                                    1. Pedagogical decision-making must reflect
                                                                                                      1. What is known about the process of learning.
                                                                                                        1. which is the domain of second language acquisition
                                                                                                      2. Cross-cultural communication and language
                                                                                                        1. In interactions with speakers of another language/culture
                                                                                                          1. we have certain expectations and we often produce stereotyped reactions.
                                                                                                          2. Many of the speech patterns that nonnative speakers
                                                                                                            1. use reflect their nonnativeness rather than characteristics of their personality.
                                                                                                          3. Language policy and language planning
                                                                                                            1. Many issues of language policy
                                                                                                              1. are dependent
                                                                                                                1. on a knowledge of how second languages are learned.
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